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Case Studies

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Major renovation | Kinross: James & Tania

Hear from James and Tania about their renovation journey with Summit and how they completely transformed their 22 year old…

Real Life Renovation: James & Tania

Hear from James and Tania about their renovation journey with Summit and how they completely transformed their 22 year old…

Kardinya Duplex Design by Summit Developments

Duplex development dream in Kardinya

Development Type: Grouped Dwellings – Duplex Zoning: R25 Block size: 747m2 Housing: Two single storey, 4×2 homes with theatre rooms…

Waikiki Case Study

Want to know how you can turn your property into a profit? Summit Granny Flats turned the backyard of this…

Waikiki Case Study

Want to know how you can turn your property into a profit? Summit Granny Flats turned the backyard of this…

Summit Granny Flats | Rental in South Lake

Gavin built his granny flat in South Lake and shares his experience and outcomes.   What was the most important…

Waikiki Case Study

Want to know how you can turn your property into a profit? Summit Granny Flats turned the backyard of this…

Second storey addition | Wembley: Andrew & Chatarina

Tell us a bit about your renovation. Was this your first time renovating and how did you decide now was…

Second storey addition | Madora Bay: Bryce & Claire

How did you come to the decision to renovate your home and what were some of the issues you were…

Second storey addition | Mount Pleasant: Helen & George

Helen and George came to Summit Homes wanting to create a four bedroom, two bathroom modern home with open plan…

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08 9722 0341

Summit South West Office
67-77 Queen Street, Busselton

Bunbury Showroom
4D/42 Strickland Street, Bunbury

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